Department of Agriculture

Supporting Arkansas farmers and ranchers while ensuring safe food, fiber, and forest products for the citizens of Arkansas, the nation, and across the globe

Arkansas Catfish Promotion Board


The Arkansas Catfish Promotion Board was created to plan and conduct a program of research, extension, market development, and advertising designed to promote the Arkansas catfish industry. The board consists of seven members of the catfish industry in Arkansas appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. Each member is appointed for a two-year term. Activities of the board are funded by an assessment on the sale of catfish feed within Arkansas to commercial catfish producers at a rate not to exceed $5.00 per ton of catfish feed sold. 

Board Members

Greg MoyersPortland2025
Steve KueterParagould2026
Robert GlennonLonoke2026
Brad GrahamPortland2026
Dick BaxterCabot2026
Larry DormanMontrose2025
Andrew MitchellNorth Little Rock2025

Administrator: Mark Stoll

Previous Meeting Minutes