Department of Agriculture

Supporting Arkansas farmers and ranchers while ensuring safe food, fiber, and forest products for the citizens of Arkansas, the nation, and across the globe

Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Promotion Board


The Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Promotion Board was created to plan and conduct a program of research and extension designed to promote the corn and grain sorghum industry in Arkansas. The board consists of seven members who are practical producers of corn or grain sorghum in Arkansas. Each board member is appointed for a two-year term by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. Activities of the board are funded through the assessment of one cent per bushel on all corn and grain sorghum grown within Arkansas. The assessment is deducted from the amount paid to the producer at the first point of sale or at the point where the corn or grain sorghum enters into the United States Department of Agriculture loan program.

Learn more about the Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Board here.

Requests for Proposals: Corn and Grain Sorghum Research and Promotion

The Arkansas Corn & Grain Sorghum Promotion Board is accepting grant proposals for corn and grain sorghum research and promotion through January 15, 2025.

Corn and/or grain sorghum research proposals should not exceed four pages and must:

  • State the goals and objectives of the proposed research.
  • State the expected benefits to the Arkansas corn and/or grain sorghum industries from the proposed research.
  • Include a budget that includes salaries/benefits, travel, direct costs, and research costs.
    • The budget documentation is not considered as part of the four-page proposal limitation.
  • Explain how the entity will be accountable for its use of the requested funds.
  • Present audited financial statements for funding requests over $15,000.

Proposals for promotional activities must:

  • State the goals and objectives of the promotional activity.
  • State the expected benefits to the Arkansas corn and/or grain sorghum industries from the proposed promotional efforts.
  • Seek to promote generic corn and/or grain sorghum and non-specific business entities.
  • Include a budget and explain how the entity will be accountable for its use of the requested funds.
  • Present audited financial statements for funding requests over $15,000.
  • Funds will not be awarded for administrative costs and cannot be used to duplicate activities funded by other programs.

Proposals should be submitted to Scott Bray electronically at [email protected] or by mail at 1 Natural Resources Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 by 5:00 p.m. on January 15, 2025.

The amount available for proposals for research and promotional activities will be established at the board’s meeting on February 3-4, 2025.

Board Members

Trent Dabbs - Vice ChairStuttgart2023
Matt Gammill - SecretaryTyronza2024
Jason FeltonMarianna2024
Kenny Falwell - ChairNewport2024
Matt SmithBlytheville2025
Tommy YoungTuckerman2025
William “Perry” GallowayAugusta2026

Administrator: Scott Bray

2024-2025 Projects

New Promotion Projects

EntityProject TitleAwarded Amount
University of ArkansasExport Exchange (Sponsorship)$15,000
University of ArkansasNational Corn Grower Association$28,500
University of ArkansasJackson County Extension Center Arkansas Grain Building Sign$49,900
University of ArkansasThe Commissions Group$8,000
University of ArkansasU.S. Grain Council$71,266

Promotion Project Continuations

EntityProject TitleAwarded Amount
University of ArkansasArkansas Irrigation Yield Contest (Year 7)$10,000

New Research Projects

EntityProject TitleAwarded Amount
University of ArkansasDetermining Disease Resistance and Susceptibility of Corn and Grain Sorghum Hybrids (Year 1/3)$40,000
University of ArkansasDevelopment and Verification of a Stand Counting Application Using Drone Imagery for Research and Production Decision Support$19,660
University of ArkansasEconomic Analysis of Corn and Grain Sorghum Production and Marketing Practices (Year 1/1)$5,777
University of ArkansasGenerating a High-Value Wax Material from Sorghum Bran Using an Innovative Approach (Year 1/3)$42,761
University of ArkansasImproving Nitrogen Management for Arkansas Corn Production (Year 1/3)$78,547
University of ArkansasRemote Sensing-Based Mid-Season Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate Recommendations and Web-Tool Extension (Year 1/3)$56,000
University of ArkansasUniversity of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Feed Kits (Year 1/3)$2,500
University of ArkansasUse of Corn Protein Concentrate in Plant-Based Diets for Largemouth Bass to Optimize Production Sustainability and Profitability (Year 1/1)$50,000

Research Project Continuations

EntityProject TitleAwarded Amount
University of ArkansasArkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Research Studies Series: An Annual Report and Archival System for All Board-Funded Research (Year 3/3)$4,667
University of ArkansasArkansas Discovery Farms (Year 3/3)$5,000
University of ArkansasArkansas Future Ag Leaders Tour (Year 3/3)$5,000
University of ArkansasAssess Management Options for Corn Nematodes in Arkansas (Year 3/3)$55,401
University of ArkansasAssessing Susceptibility of Insect Pests of Corn in Storage to Selected Insecticides (Year 3/3)$41,305
University of ArkansasCorn and Grain Sorghum Enterprise Budgets and Production Economic Analysis$10,000
University of ArkansasCorn and Grain Sorghum Research Verification Program (Year 1/3)$130,000
University of ArkansasCover Crops in Corn Rotations - What Works and What Doesn't? (Year 2/3)$39,729
University of ArkansasEvaluations of New Herbicides, Premixes, Programs, and Application Methods for Improved Control of Problematic Weeds in Corn (Year 2/3)$87,293
University of ArkansasFine-Tuning Potassium Recommendations and Investigating Intensive Tissue Analysis for Sustainable Corn Production (Year 3/3)$56,395
University of ArkansasImproving Irrigation Technology for Corn Production in Arkansas (Year 2/3)$185,280
University of ArkansasOptimizing Plant Population and Nitrogen Rate in Corn (Year 3/3)$34,000
University of ArkansasPerformance Crop Insurance as a Risk Management Tool for Corn and Grain Sorghum Producers in Arkansas (Year 3/3)$29,486
University of ArkansasTowards a Comprehensive Aflatoxin Solution: Creating and Integrating Novel Aflatoxin Control Resources for An Effective, Sustainable Management Strategy (Year 2/3)$45,000
University of ArkansasUse of Gossypol to Inhibit Reproduction in Domestic Hogs as a Model for Feral Hog Control (Year 2/3)$30,000
Deane Robinson Seed SystemSequestering Carbon in Corn Production$18,195

Previous Meeting Information

2024 Meetings



2/21/2024 - 2/22/2024


2023 Meetings
