Department of Agriculture

Supporting Arkansas farmers and ranchers while ensuring safe food, fiber, and forest products for the citizens of Arkansas, the nation, and across the globe

Arkansas Department of Agriculture Publications & Resources

The Arkansas Department of Agriculture works to provide you with valuable updates, announcements, partner links, and grant opportunities. We are proud of Arkansas's top industry, and we work hard because you work hard for Arkansas.

Archived Proclamations 2024 - 2020

November 24-30 - Arkansas Turkey Week
October - Arkansas Farm to School Month
October - Arkansas Pork Month
September- Arkansas Rice Month
August - Arkansas Catfish Month
July - Arkansas Corn Month
July - Arkansas Peach Month
June 9-15 - Arkansas Farmers Market Week
June - Arkansas Dairy Month
June - Arkansas Blackberry Month
May - Arkansas Beef Month
May - Arkansas Egg Month
May - Arkansas Strawberry Month

Proclamations 2023

11/01/2023 - Arkansas Soybean Month
10/01/2023 - Arkansas Farm to School Month
10/01/2023 - Arkansas Pork Month
09/01/2023 - Arkansas Rice Month
08/01/2023 - Arkansas Catfish Month
07/01/2023 - Arkansas Peach Month
07/01/2023 - Arkansas Corn Month
06/01/2023 - Arkansas Dairy Month
06/01/2023 - Arkansas Blackberry Month
06/01/2023 - Arkansas Strawberry Month
06/11/2023 - Farmers Market Week
05/01/2023 - Arkansas Egg Month
05/01/2023 - Arkansas Beef Month
05/02/2023 - Flood Insurance Awareness Week
04/03/2023 - Women in Ag Week
03/20/2023 - Arkansas Agriculture Week
03/01/2023 - Arkansas Pecan Month
03/01/2023 - Arkansas Peanut Month

Proclamations 2022

11/20/2022 - Arkansas Turkey Week
06/12/2022 - Farmers Market Week in Arkansas
06/01/2022 - Arkansas Dairy Month
06/01/2022 - Arkansas Blackberry Month
05/01/2022 - Arkansas Egg Month
05/01/2022 - Arkansas Beef Month
05/01/2022 - Arkansas Drinking Water Week
05/02/2022 - Flood Insurance Awareness Week
03/28/2022 - Arkansas Flood Safety Awareness Week
03/20/2022 - Arkansas Agriculture Week
03/06/2022 - Arkansas Craft Beer Week
03/01/2022 - Arkansas Peanut Month

Proclamations 2021