Department of Agriculture

Supporting Arkansas farmers and ranchers while ensuring safe food, fiber, and forest products for the citizens of Arkansas, the nation, and across the globe

Clean Water and Drinking Water Draft Intended Use Plan


The Arkansas Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Division (NRD) has prepared the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund (CWSRF) and the Safe Drinking Water Fund/Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Intended Use Plans (IUP) for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for State Fiscal Year 2025. (SFY 2025)

The CWSRF IUP covers the potential projects of public wastewater system construction and other eligible projects funded by the Arkansas CWSRF, a priority system, and priority listing of projects for SFY 2024. 

The Arkansas Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Division has prepared the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund (CWSRF) and the Safe Drinking Water Fund/Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Intended Use Plans (IUP) for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for State Fiscal Year 2025 (SFY 2025).

The CWSRF IUP covers the potential projects of public wastewater system construction and other eligible projects funded by the Arkansas CWSRF, a priority system, and priority listing of projects for SFY 2025.

The DWSRF IUP covers the potential projects of public drinking water system construction and other eligible projects funded by the DWSRF, a priority system and priority listing of projects for SFY 2025. In addition, EPA provides funds for set-aside programs administered by the Arkansas Department of Health Engineering Section, the intended use of those funds is included in the DWSRF IUP.

To ensure the public has an opportunity to review and provide input on the IUP, the draft IUP will be made available to the public through notification in a statewide newspaper and posting to the Natural Resources Division website at:

Written comments on the proposed document and any requests for a public hearing should be sent to the Natural Resources Division by close of business September 18, 2024. Instructions for written comments and requests for a public hearing will be available on the Natural Resources Division website.

To send a comment click here.

For more information contact:

Leah Johannes
Program Fiscal Manager

Arkansas Department of Agriculture
Natural Resource Division
10421 W Markham St.
Little Rock, AR 72205-2190
Office (501) 682-0549
Fax (501) 682-0561
Ashley Carpenter
Program Coordinator

Arkansas Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Division
10421 W. Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72205
Phone 501 682-3905
Fax (501) 682-0561
Amy Theriac
Program Outreach Coordinator

Arkansas Department of Agriculture
Natural Resource Division
10421 W Markham St.
Little Rock, AR 72205-2190
Office (501) 682-0547
Fax (501) 682-0561