Department of Agriculture
Supporting Arkansas farmers and ranchers while ensuring safe food, fiber, and forest products for the citizens of Arkansas, the nation, and across the globe
Agriculture / Disaster Assistance Information & Resources
Disaster Assistance Information & Resources

There are several programs to assist Arkansas farmers, ranchers, and communities in recovering from the recent flooding of the Arkansas River. Links to the resources, facts about the programs, and state regulations regarding the disposal of livestock and poultry carcasses can be found on this page.
Assistance through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
The best place to start learning about USDA programs and to determine your eligibility is Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool.
It is important to report your losses to your local USDA Service Center immediately. Location and contact information for USDA Service Centers in Arkansas can be found here.
Below are additional links to USDA resources:
- Farm Service Agency Disaster Assistance Programs at a Glance
- Reference Guide - USDA Disaster Resources for Farmers, Ranchers and Communities
- Disaster Resource Center
- Fact Sheet: USDA Programs that Assist Individuals and Small Businesses
- Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool
- Disasters & Emergencies
- Emergency Watershed Protection Program
- Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP)
- Food Safety During a Disaster
Floodplain Management
Floods have been, and continue to be, a destructive natural hazard in terms of economic loss to the citizens of Arkansas. Since 1978, flood insurance policyholders have received over $154 million in claim payments. The real cost to the State is much more since most of the State’s flood-prone property owners do not have flood insurance.
To help Arkansas communities reduce the risk of flooding and provide assistance to recover when floods occur, the Arkansas Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Division Floodplain Management Program administers the National Flood Insurance Program for Arkansas.
Click here to view information concerning Floodplain management, Flood Insurance, Damage Resources, training and workshops, Floodplain Maps, and more.
Dam Safety
The purpose of this section is to provide comprehensive regulation and supervision of dams for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Arkansas. To ensure proper planning, design, construction, maintenance, monitoring, and supervision of dams, including such preventative measures necessary to provide an adequate margin of safety.
Click here to access forms and publications and read about the duties of the program.
State Regulations Regarding Animal Carcass Disposal
Disposal of livestock and poultry carcasses - The Arkansas Department of Agriculture's (Department) Livestock and Poultry Commission requires that animal carcasses be disposed of in approved methods to prevent disease transmission and to protect air and water quality.
Carcass disposal, large animal and poultry carcasses.
Carcass disposal, poultry - A permit is required for catastrophic loss
For more explanation on approved methods or how to carry out a specific method, follow the links to the rules or call the Department's Livestock and Poultry Commission staff at 501-225-1598 and ask to speak to someone regarding carcass disposal.
Federal Emergency Management Administration Resources
Arkansas Severe Storms And Flooding (DR-4441)
- (To Report a Loss by Individuals or Business Owners for FEMA Assistance)
- FEMA Smartphone App
- Small Business Administration Disaster Relief