
Protecting Arkansas’s forests, and those who enjoy them, from wildland fire and natural hazards while promoting rural and urban forest health, stewardship, development, and conservation for all generations of Arkansans

Wildfire Statistics

Arkansas Wildfire Statistics

The Forestry Division completes a fire report on each fire its rangers and foresters respond to. Information on a fire report includes the county where the fire occurred, what caused the fire, whose land it was on, and how large it was. Records provided via links below include statistics from 1935-2019. This information is compiled by personnel at the Forestry Division Dispatch Center.

Report Wildfires: 1-800-468-8834

Report Prescribed Burns: 1-800-830-8015

Arkansas Wildfire Frequency Statistics 1935 - 2024 (93.39 KB)
Arkansas Wildfire Statistics, by Cause - 2023 (57.36 KB)
Arkansas Wildfire Statistics, by County - 2023 (113.66 KB)