Laboratory Services
Supporting the state’s largest industry through a broad range of laboratory services.
Agriculture / Laboratory Services / Seed Laboratory / Seed Testing Fees
Seed Testing Fees
- Regulatory Samples There are no fees charged for regulatory samples unless copies of test results are requested, then fees are the same as for service samples.
- Service Samples
Kind Of Seed | Complete | Purity Or Germ Only | Minimum Days Required For Germ Test |
Alfalfa | $16.00 | $12.00 | 7 |
Bahiagrass | $16.00 | $12.00 | 21 - 28* |
Barley | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 7 + 5 if freshly harvested |
Bean (garden & field) | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 8 - 9* |
Bermudagrass | $16.00 | $12.00 | 21 |
Bluegrass | $16.00 | $12.00 | 21 - 35* |
Bluestem | $50.00 | $40.00 | 14 |
Clover | $16.00 | $12.00 | 7 - 14* |
Corn | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 7 |
Cotton | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 12 |
Dallisgrass | $16.00 | $12.00 | 21 |
Fescue | $16.00 | $12.00 | 14 - 28* |
Johnsongrass | $16.00 | $12.00 | 35 |
Lespedeza | $16.00 | $12.00 | 14 - 21* |
Lovegrass | $16.00 | $12.00 | 14 |
Millet | $16.00 | $12.00 | 7 - 14* |
Mustard | $16.00 | $12.00 | 7 |
Oats | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 10 + 5 if freshly harvested |
Okra | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 14 |
Peas (garden & field) | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 8 |
Peanuts | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 10 |
Rice | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 7 - 14* |
Rye | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 7 + 5 if freshly harvested |
Ryegrass | $16.00 | $12.00 | 14 |
Sorghum | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 10 |
Soybeans | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 8 |
Turnip/Rape | $16.00 | $12.00 | 7 |
Vetch | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 10 - 14* |
Wheat | $16.00 | $ 8.00 | 7 + 5 if freshly harvested |
Vegetables | $16.00 | $12.00 | *depends on kind |
The testing fee for crops not listed will be the same as a listed crop with similar complexity. Call the Seed Laboratory for exact fee information. (501) 225-1598
A test may be terminated prior to the number of days listed for the test if the analyst is positive the maximum germ of the sample has been obtained.
Analysis For Mixtures $8.00 - will be charged for each additional component in a mixture.
Sampling Fee $15.00 - A fee is charged for samples drawn by Arkansas Department of Agriculture Inspectors.
Handling Fee $ 3.00 - A fee is charged for samples that are picked up by the Inspectors.
Priority Samples $25.00 - A service provided to the seedsman / farmer which allows samples to be tested ahead of other samples in the lab. This fee is an addition to the fee for the test(s) requested.
Purity First $ 1.00 - Upon request, a preliminary purity report will be given upon completion
of the test.
Additional Analysis Reports $1.00 - For each additional requested copy of the analysis report.
Vigor Test $12.00 - Seed vigor comprises those properties which determine the potential for rapid uniform emergence and development of normal seedlings under a wide range of field conditions.
- Accelerated Aging (soybeans, wheat): Places seed under stress conditions of high temperature and humidity to estimate longevity of seed in warehouse storage and predict stand establishment. This test takes approximately 2 weeks to complete on wheat that is freshly harvested, and approximately 11 days for soybeans.
- Cool Test (cotton): Places seed under stress conditions of cool temperatures, simulating early planting conditions. This test takes 7 days to complete.
- Complete Seedling Count (garden beans): Normal seedlings are classified as strong or weak based on presence of seedling structures. This test takes approximately 7 days to complete.
Varietal Tests $12.00 - There are several aids which enable the analyst to determine, confirm, or group seed as to variety based on numerous tests. Please refer to the latest issue of the Arkansas certified seed directory for crops which are under consideration for certification for the exact procedure of crop and grade in question.
- Phenol Test (wheat): This is a chemical varietal test that groups varieties of wheat into several color reaction categories based on the genetic makeup of the variety. This test takes approximately 24 hours to complete.
- Coleoptile Test (wheat): This is a grow-out varietal test that groups varieties of wheat based on anthacyanin or purple pigment development in coleoptiles (stems) when planted under strong lighting conditions. This test takes approximately 10 - 14 days to complete.
- Fluorescence Test (oats): When placed under an ultraviolet light, varieties of oats will either be fluorescent or non-fluorescent, based on the genetic makeup of the variety. This test takes approximately 2 hours to complete.
- Hypocotyl Test (soybeans): Soybean seedlings will exhibit the pigmentation of the flower color of the variety when planted under strong lighting conditions. The hypocotyl (stem) area of the seedling will remain green (white flower) or will turn purple (purple flower) within a few days of emergence. This test takes approximately 7 days to complete.
- Peroxidase Test (soybeans): This is a chemical varietal test that determines the presence or absence of the gene for peroxidase activity. This test takes approximately 2 hours to complete.
Tetrazolium Test (TZ) $15.00 - This is a chemical test that may give an estimate of the germination potential, usually within 24 hours from the receipt of the sample. This is not an official germination test and may not be used to label seed for germination.
Herbicide Tolerance Tests - Soybeans. The determination of tolerance to certain herbicides such as Roundup®.
- Roundup® Herbicide Tolerance Test $23.00: This is a combination chemical & grow-out test for the determination of tolerance to Roundup®. 400 seeds are conditioned overnight and then soaked in a herbicide solution for a short time. The solution is then drained off and the seed is planted by normal laboratory procedures. This test takes approximately 6 days to complete.
- STS® Herbicide Tolerance Test $25.00: This is a grow-out test for the determination of tolerance to STS. 200 seeds are planted on towels moistened in a herbicide solution. This test takes approximately 8 days to complete. (An additional $10 is charged when a 400 seed test is requested.