Livestock & Poultry

Safeguarding human and animal health, assuring food safety and quality, and promoting Arkansas livestock and poultry industries for the benefit of our citizens

Poultry Health/NPIP Programs


Poultry owners should monitor their flocks for signs of illness and report any possible symptoms to
the Arkansas Department of Agriculture at 501-823-1746.

To join our Subpart E flock certification waitlist, click here to complete the online form.

For a list of certified private testers by county in Arkansas, see Private Tester List.

Pullorum-Typhoid Antigen is available to NPIP Blood Testers from AVS Bio. This can be purchased at

For assistance or questions regarding the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP):

Kevin Simmons
NPIP Coordinator

Faye Ratthasombath
NPIP Administrative Coordinator
(501) 823-1717 

Sarah McClellan
NPIP Administrative Specialist

NPIP Program Background

The National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) is a cooperative federal-state-industry mechanism developed for controlling certain poultry diseases. The NPIP consists of a variety of programs intended to prevent and control egg-transmitted, hatchery-disseminated poultry diseases. NPIP identifies states, flocks, hatcheries, and dealers that meet certain disease control standards specified in the various programs. As a result, customers can buy poultry tested clean of certain diseases or produced under disease-prevention conditions. Being a member of NPIP also allows greater ease in moving hatching eggs/live birds within the state, across state lines, and into other countries. In fact, most countries will not accept hatching eggs/live birds unless they can be shown as NPIP participants.

Presently, under the NPIP, Arkansas is proud to be designated as a "U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean State" in chickens and turkeys and a "U.S. Mycoplasma gallisepticum Clean State" in turkeys.

NPIP participants are classified under the following categories (subparts):

  • Subpart B - Egg-Type Chicken
  • Subpart C - Meat-Multiplier Type Chicken
  • Subpart D - Turkey
  • Subpart E - Waterfowl, Exhibition Poultry, and Game Bird Breeding Flocks 
  • Subpart H - Meat-Primary Type Chicken

For a list of NPIP Participants by State follow the link and select the desired state.

NPIP Flock/Hatchery Programs Available for the Commercial Sector (Subparts B, C, D, H):

  • Pullorum-Typhoid Clean 
  • Mycoplasma gallisepticum Clean 
  • Mycoplasma synoviae Clean 
  • Mycoplasma meleagridis Clean 
  • Avian Influenza Clean 
  • Salmonella enteritidis Clean 
  • Mycoplasma gallisepticum Monitored 
  • Mycoplasma synoviae Monitored 
  • Salmonella Monitored 
  • Sanitation Monitored 

NPIP Flock/Hatchery Programs available for the waterfowl, exhibition poultry, and game bird flocks (Subpart E):

  • Pullorum-Typhoid Clean 

Helpful Links

Defend the Flock information

National webpage

Biosecurity information