Natural Resources
Efficiently and responsibly managing and protecting our water and land resources for the sustainability, health, safety, and economic benefit of the State of Arkansas
Agriculture / Natural Resources / Divisions / Water Management / Arkansas Unpaved Roads Program
Arkansas Unpaved Roads Program
The Problem
Eroding unpaved roads can channel rainfall-runoff, increasing erosion and sediment delivery to our streams, rivers, and lakes.
This sediment can have adverse effects on both people and nature. It can fill in gravel stream beds, causing the loss of in-stream habitat for game and non-game fish and other aquatic species alike, make freshwater sources more expensive to treat for drinking water, and ultimately contribute to the loss of lake capacity, further jeopardizing these drinking water sources. Economies that depend on recreational fishing and boating may also suffer from degraded water quality.
Eroding unpaved roads are expensive to maintain, requiring continual grading to smooth out the effects of concentrated drainage flowing across the road surface. Problem roads can also cause excessive wear and tear on vehicles and contribute to high levels of road dust, a significant issue in many rural areas.
Over 85% of Arkansas county roads are unpaved.
The Challenge
Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the construction and maintenance of unpaved roads are broadly accepted by road engineers and maintenance professionals as the most effective approach to managing roads that minimize sediment impacts to adjacent water bodies and aquatic habitats.
Use of BMPs reduces erosion and sedimentation by providing better drainage to the road system, stabilizing erodible ditches and drainage outlets, and creating a more durable driving surface. BMPs can reduce long-term costs by greatly reducing the need for replacing road surface gravel and reducing the need for road grading.
Road managers often need more training to prescribe and implement BMPs appropriate to the unique conditions of their road systems. Even managers with knowledge and experience with BMPs may not have the budget to implement these practices. Though BMPs can reduce long-term costs, they may require greater up-front costs.
The Solution
In 2015, Act 898 of the 90th General Assembly officially established the Arkansas Unpaved Roads Grant Program The program is currently housed at the Arkansas Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Division and will fund more than $300,000 worth of projects in Arkansas counties.
The Program’s goals are to:
- Fund safe, efficient, and environmentally sound projects for the maintenance of dirt and gravel roads identified as sources of sediment or dust.
- Training road maintenance professionals on techniques of dirt and gravel road maintenance that minimize negative impacts to water and air quality.
- Conduct demonstrations of new and innovative techniques of dirt and gravel road construction and maintenance to assist in training road crews and more broadly share BMPs.
Program partners:
Arkansas Association of Conservation Districts
Arkansas Economic Development Commission
Division of Rural Services
Arkansas Farm Bureau
Arkansas Forestry Association
Arkansas Forestry Commission
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department
Arkansas Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Division
Natural Resources Conservation Service
County Judges
The Association of Arkansas Counties
The Nature Conservancy
University of Arkansas
US Fish and Wildlife Service
The program coordinates federal, state, and private funding to implement projects, trainings, and demonstrations. Counties or other road managers will leverage program funding for projects by matching one-to-one with cash or in-kind contributions and be eligible to apply for funding once they have completed an unpaved roads BMP training workshop.
Project proposals will be reviewed by an advisory committee to prioritize limited funds. Preference will be given first to proposed projects in priority watersheds, which to include endangered species, drinking water sources, and other important characteristics.
All 75 Arkansas counties are eligible to apply for program funding through the Arkansas Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Division. Applications for funding are due each March and can be found on the agency’s website or by calling and requesting one by mail.
Click here to view the Arkansas Unpaved Roads application packet.
Interested in applying?
Contact Kevin McGaughey, Program Coordinator
Arkansas Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Division
10421 W. Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72205
Work: 501 682-3908
E-mail: [email protected]