Natural Resources
Efficiently and responsibly managing and protecting our water and land resources for the sustainability, health, safety, and economic benefit of the State of Arkansas
Agriculture / Natural Resources / Divisions / Water Management / Arkansas Water Plan / Arkansas Water Plan 2014 / Arkansas Water Plan 2014 Update
Arkansas Water Plan 2014 Update
The AWP 2014 Update is intended to be a reader-friendly plan for comprehensive water resource management in Arkansas. The planning framework is 2050, about 40 years into the future from the baseline of 2010. The plan is about 100 pages long and it begins with an introduction to the plan (Section 1) and key findings relative to the water demand and supply projections in Section 2. The real heart of the AWP 2014 Update are the issues and recommendations, which describe how the Arkansas Natural Resource Commission (ANRC) intends to mitigate the projected impacts to water supply (Section 3). The implementation plan for the recommendations is provided on an issue-by-issue basis and on a statewide level (Sections 3 and 4).
The AWP 2014 Update provides an overview of the State geography, socioeconomics, geology, hydrology, navigation, and the institutions responsible for water management (Section 5). A statewide view of supply, demand, and water deficits (gap) and the methods used to derive them are provided in Section 6.1, whereas the specific water conditions for each Water Resource Planning Region are described in Section 6.2.
Arkansas Water Plan*
The 2014 Update of the Arkansas Water Plan has the following sections:
- Introduction -Section 1
- Key Findings -Section 2
- Issues and recommendations -Section 3
- Implementation -Section 4
- General Description of the State -Section 5
- Framework for Water Management -Section 6
- Methodology for estimating water demand and supply -Section 6.1
- Synopsis of the Water Resource Planning Areas -Section 6.2
View 2014 Arkansas Water Plan River Basin Map.
From the initiation of the AWP 2014 Update, ANRC maintained a goal of continuous and effective stakeholder involvement. A multi-layered strategy for involving stakeholders and the public was developed at the onset of the project and was implemented throughout the life of the project. General public outreach was intended to provide an opportunity for sharing information to and obtaining feedback from the general public. Thirty-six public meetings were held at locations around the state.
Water Resource Planning Region groups were formed to represent local interests (water providers, water users, conservation districts, local governments, representatives of federal and state agencies, environmentalists, recreationalists, etc.). The Water Resource Planning Region groups met four times to exchange ideas, review water supply and demand data, and develop issues and recommendations relevant to their region. The process of developing issues and recommendations is described in detail in Appendix H of the AWP 2014 Update.
Technical Work Groups were formed to provide input on the methodologies used for the technical work of the AWP 2014 Update and to review the results prior to using the results in the AWP. It was of utmost importance to the ANRC that the analytical methodologies used to estimate the two fundamental building blocks of the AWP 2014 Update (Demand and Supply) be understood and accepted by a broad range of technical experts from around the state. The members of the Technical Work Groups were identified based on their experience and expertise and invited to be members of the groups.
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