Natural Resources

Efficiently and responsibly managing and protecting our water and land resources for the sustainability, health, safety, and economic benefit of the State of Arkansas

Virtual Floodplain Administrator Training

ANRD is currently offering one-hour online training sessions. The next session, Base Level Engineering as a Higher Standard, will be offered March 8th, 2022, from 12 noon to 1:00 pm. Registration for this session will open February 18th. This session will also be available for viewing online beginning the day after.

Additionally, recorded training session from 2020 and 2021 are available for viewing. Links to the recorded sessions and the support materials are listed below. Please note that when you select a video, you will be required to register prior to viewing the session. Registered viewers can receive credit applicable to their Arkansas CFM or Floodplain Administrator accreditation requirements.

Base Level Engineering as a Higher Standard

Using state-of-art flood risk data to strengthen your flood risk reduction and floodplain management program. CLICK BELOW:

Support Material

FPA Virtual Workshop: Using Your Code to Set Compliance

A practical guide to implementing and enforcing your flood damage prevention code. CLICK BELOW:

Support Material

FPA Virtual Workshop: Elevation Certificates

A guide to completion and review of Elevation Certificates. CLICK BELOW:

Support Material

FPA Virtual Workshop: No-Rise Certification: The Why, When, and How

Development proposed in a floodway? Learn what you need to determine if, how, and when development is permitted in this high risk portion of the floodplain. CLICK BELOW:

Support Material

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Toni Brown, Training Coordinator, at 501-682-3982 or [email protected].