Natural Resources

Efficiently and responsibly managing and protecting our water and land resources for the sustainability, health, safety, and economic benefit of the State of Arkansas

Non-Riparian Surface Water Use

Step 1: Fill out an Application for Non-Riparian Water Use, available electronically in PDF format or mailed to applicants upon request. To request a copy please contact the Commission (see contact information in Step 2).

  • Click here to view the Non-Riparian Water Use Application.

Step 2: Send application, additional necessary documents, and a processing fee of $500.00 to: Arkansas Natural Resources Division, 10421 W. Markham St., Little Rock, AR 72205, Attn: Josh Burns (501) 682-3916 (Make checks payable to: Arkansas Natural Resources Division)

Step 2: Send application, additional necessary documents, and a processing fee of $500.00 to Arkansas Natural Resources Division, 10421 W. Markham St., Little Rock, AR 72205, Attn: Josh Burns (501) 682-3916 (Make checks payable to Arkansas Natural Resources Division)

Step 3: Once your application is received, you will be notified within seven (7) working days with a letter stating your application has been received and is being reviewed by a staff member.

Step 4: Within thirty (30) days of receiving your application, staff will determine whether the application packet is complete or whether additional items will be needed to complete the review process. Staff will request the necessary items at this time if your application is found to be incomplete.

Step 5: When the application is complete, staff will resume the evaluation process and be available to answer any questions. Generally, the process takes less than thirty (30) days but can take as long as twelve (12) months, depending on the complexity and volume of the request.  Plan ahead and apply well in advance of the projected project start date.

Step 6: Upon completion of review, a permitting determination is made regarding the proposed project, and you will receive written notification from this office. Determinations may include, but are not limited to, technically conditioned Water Use Permits, Diffuse Water Determinations, Denial without Prejudice (i.e., due to lack of information or inadequate excess water at the requested diversion location), or Denial of Certification.

For additional information, please contact Josh Burns at (501) 682-3916.

Please email completed applications to:
Josh Burns, Program Coordinator
Email: [email protected]

or mail the completed application to:
Arkansas Natural Resources Division
ATTN: Josh Burns
10421 W. Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72205