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Agriculture / Plant Industries / Pesticide Section / Endangered Species Program
Endangered Species Program
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The Endangered Species Protection Program started in 1988. It is largely voluntary at the present time and relies on cooperation between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), EPA Regions, the states, and pesticide users. Arkansas has a voluntary Endangered Species Protection Program with bulletins for each county, which is on the EPA website. A user can go to this site and get information about an endangered species habitat found in their area. This information can be found on the labels of pesticides if the product(s) being used will cause harm to the endangered species or their habitat.
The Endangered Species Act is intended to protect and promote the recovery of animals and plants that are in danger of becoming extinct due to people's activities. Under the Act, EPA must ensure that the use of pesticides it registers will not result in harm to the species listed as endangered and threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or to habitat critical to those species' survival. To implement the Endangered Species Protection Program, labels of certain pesticides will direct users to bulletins with information on the endangered species habitat. This program will protect endangered and threatened species from harm due to pesticide use.
The Endangered Species Program has two goals:
- Provide best protection for endangered species from the use of pesticides.
- To minimize the impact of our program on pesticide users.
This program will be successful if every one follows information found on the pesticide labels.