Plant Industries
Serving the citizens of Arkansas and the agricultural and business communities by providing information and unbiased enforcement of laws and regulations set by the Arkansas State Plant Board
Agriculture / Plant Industries / Pesticide Section / Licensing & Permits / Application Fees for Licenses
Application Fees for Licenses
Registration | |
Product Registration Fee | $250 per product |
Abandoned Pesticide Disposal Fee | $50 per product if applicable |
Dealer | |
Dealers License Fee | $65 |
Pesticide Applicators | |
Commercial Firms | |
Firm's Commercial License Fee | $100 |
Commercial Equipment Decal Fee | $20 per equipment |
Custom Applicator's Permit Fee | $150 |
Custom/Tree Injector Operator-In-Charge (OIC) Fee | $50 per OIC |
Custom Equipment Decal Fee | $50 per equipment |
Custom Equipment Inspection Fee | $25 per equipment |
Tree Injector Custom-Applicator's Permit Fee | $70 |
Individual Applicators | |
Individual Certified Applicator License Fee (Commercial or Non-Commercial) | $35 per category |
Commercial Pilot Authorization Fee | $35 |
Custom Pilot Authorization Fee | $35 |
Commercial Applicator Technician License Fee | $25 |
Private Applicators | |
Private Applicator 1 Year License Fee | $10 |
Private Applicator 5 Year License Fee | $45 |
Enforcement | |
2,4-D Hardship Permit Fee | $100 |
Dicamba Permit Fee | $100 |