Plant Industries

Serving the citizens of Arkansas and the agricultural and business communities by providing information and unbiased enforcement of laws and regulations set by the Arkansas State Plant Board

Become a Natural State Defender

Pledge to Stop Invasive Species in the Natural State 

Invasive species threaten our native ecosystems and natural resources. But YOU can protect the places you love by pledging to prevent new invasions and stop the spread of existing ones. 

When you take the Pledge to stop invasive species, you agree to:

  • CLEAN your boots, equipment, and vehicle before entering or leaving a recreation site. 
  • DRAIN bilge, ballast, and any other water before leaving the area. 
  • DRY equipment completely before launching a new body of water. 
  • CHECK your vehicle for potential hitchhikers before leaving the area. 
  • AVOID moving through areas with invasive weed infestations.
  • PLANT NATIVE to improve native ecosystem health. 
  • BURN locally collected or certified firewood. Don't move firewood.
  • REPORT SUSPECT INVASIVES send a photo to [email protected] or call (501) 225-1598.