Plant Industries
Serving the citizens of Arkansas and the agricultural and business communities by providing information and unbiased enforcement of laws and regulations set by the Arkansas State Plant Board
Agriculture / Plant Industries / Regulatory Section / Disease Programs
Disease Programs
Karnal Bunt. Karnal Bunt, or partial bunt, is a fungal disease of wheat, durum wheat and triticale. The disease is caused by spores. Typically, only a portion of the kernel is affected; this is why the disease is sometimes called partial bunt. Damage is twofold; 1.) infested plants produce less grain, 2.) the quality of the grain itself is lessened. Although the overall crop losses caused by Karnal Bunt might not be severe, the disease has quarantine significance and therefore could affect US grain exports. A National survey plan developed by APHIS is the guideline which each wheat growing state follows. The number of wheat grain or seed samples is based on the average harvest of the past 5 years. In 2022, we sampled Crittenden, Jackson, Jefferson, Poinsett, White and Woodruff Counties. All samples were sent to a USDA lab in Arizona for analysis. All samples were negative. Karnal Bunt has never been found in Arkansas.