Plant Industries

Serving the citizens of Arkansas and the agricultural and business communities by providing information and unbiased enforcement of laws and regulations set by the Arkansas State Plant Board


QCC Forms

  • Form QCC RCIF; Request for Confidential Information Applicants applying for an occupational license are required to fill out this form in full.  This information will be reported to the Office of Child Support Enforcement.  The information collected will be appropriately protected and properly disposed of after reporting is completed.   

Feed Forms

Submit questions, forms, and documents to [email protected]

Lime Forms

Submit questions, forms, and documents to [email protected]

Fertilizer Forms

Submit questions, forms, and documents to [email protected]

Soil Amendment Forms

Submit questions, forms, and documents to [email protected].

Seed Forms

Seed Tonnage Fee Reports

Submit questions, forms, and documents to [email protected]

Online Payment is available here. See exceptions below.

All licenses and payments except seed licenses and seed tonnage may be accomplished by credit card.

Accomplish proper payment and submit the form to the appropriate email listed in the forms section.