Plant Industries
Serving the citizens of Arkansas and the agricultural and business communities by providing information and unbiased enforcement of laws and regulations set by the Arkansas State Plant Board
Bulk Wheat
Certified Seedsmen That Have Applied For Certification And Have Received Analysis Reports Assigned A Class Of Certified Seed.
What do I need to do to get started?
- Read and become familiar with the regulations regarding bulk sales of wheat.
- Fill out the application form for approval to sell bulk certified wheat. List your certification permit number (must be currently in force). If you have more than one location that you wish to sell bulk certified wheat from, you must complete a form for each other location and send in $10 for a Bulk Certification Permit for that location. A Bulk Certification Permit number will be assigned, and you will receive a Bulk Certification Permit Certificate. (Bulk Certification Permits expire June 30th each year and must be renewed.)
- Call the Certification Office and request the number of Bulk Certified Seed Certificates you think you will need. These will be serially numbered and cost $0.25 cents each. (Any unused bulk certificates remaining at the end of the season will be returned to the Certification Office (no refunds).
- Follow the processes outlined for selling bulk certified wheat.
Retail Seed Facilities That Are Not Certified Seedsmen?
What do I need to do to sell bulk certified wheat from my facility?
- Read and become familiar with the regulations regarding bulk sales of wheat.
- At least one week before needed, fill out the application form for approval to sell bulk certified wheat. A bulk certification permit number will be assigned. (Bulk Certification Permits expire June 30th each year and must be renewed.)
- If you have bulk storage bins, an Arkansas Department of Agriculture Inspector will check your facility to see if acceptable procedures are in place for receiving, storing, dispensing and record keeping for maintaining identity of the seed.
- After Approval, call the Certification Office and request the number of Bulk Certified Seed Certificates you think you will need. These will be serially numbered and cost $0.25 cents each. Any unused bulk certificates remaining at the end of the season will be returned to the Certification Office with no refunds for unused certificates.
- Follow the processes outlined for selling bulk certified wheat.