Board of Registration for Foresters

Protecting private forest landowners by licensing and registering foresters who are qualified, experienced, and maintain their continuing education


Who is a forester?
A forester is a uniquely qualified professional who cares for trees and forests. Foresters go to college to
learn the art and practice of forestry; through comprehensive coursework and practical field experience
they acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities to practice their profession. Foresters enjoy spending time
outdoors and frequently get to do so in their day-to-day work. But foresters are also comfortable working
in a laboratory or classroom, sitting at a computer, and talking with local communities about their needs
and responses to contemporary forestry issues.
-Society of American Foresters

In Arkansas, “any person using in connection with the person’s name or otherwise assuming, using, or
advertising any title or description tending to convey the impression that the person is a forester engaged
in the practice of forestry on private lands shall be registered” [AR Code 17-31-301(a)].

What is forestry or the practice of forestry?
Forestry is the science, art, and practice of creating, managing, using, and conserving forests in a
sustainable manner to meet desired goals, needs, and values. In simpler terms, the forestry profession
focuses on caring for trees, soils, water, wildlife, and other forest benefits, both for now and for future
generations. Forestry includes such diverse specialties as forest, wildlife and fisheries, pest, disease, and
fire management; research and teaching; forest recreation, wilderness, and watershed management; agro- and urban forestry; policy and economics; communications; technology applications; genetics; and
environmental education.
-Society of American Foresters

How do I become an Arkansas Registered Forester?
Any person, who meets one of the qualifications of AR Code 17-31-302, may be licensed as an Arkansas
Registered Forester. Please complete and submit the application form found on this site.

Does Arkansas reciprocate with other states?
Arkansas offers reciprocity on a case by case basis. To obtain a reciprocal license, as set out in Ark. Code Ann. 17-31-308, you must meet at least one of the educational requirements listed above AND have successfully passed an RF exam (>70%) in a reciprocating state (currently Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, or North Carolina) AND currently hold a valid RF license in good standing in the reciprocating state in which you passed the exam.

When and how often are the Registered Forester’s exam given?
Once the Arkansas Board of Registration for Foresters has received a completed application and
confirmed that the applicant meets one of the minimum requirements, the applicant may take the exam at
the next date offered. The Board offers the exam in May and December of each year. The exact dates,
times, location, and sign up information is sent to those whose applications are on file.

What are the costs for becoming a Registered Forester?
The following fees are set by the Board.

  • Application fee - $40
  • Exam fee (retake only) - $30
    Registration fee - $30
  • Annual renewal fee - $30
  • Late penalty fee – 10% per month late up to 100%

Are Registered Foresters required to have continuing education?
Yes, Registered Foresters are required to earn at least eight (8) hours of continuing forestry education hours (including one forestry ethics hour) per year to qualify to renew their license for the following year.