Livestock & Poultry

Safeguarding human and animal health, assuring food safety and quality, and promoting Arkansas livestock and poultry industries for the benefit of our citizens

Vesicular Stomatitis – Update 10/19/2020 – Status until this Notice is Replaced

Changes to this notification are made as needed to reflect any continuing threat from VSV in neighboring states and findings of VSV on Arkansas premises. The Livestock and Poultry Division is monitoring all potentially affected species through the efforts of Livestock Inspectors stationed and present at all livestock auction barns selling cattle, swine, sheep, and goats. Livestock Inspectors are also present for observation and documentation checks at horse auctions and equine events within Arkansas.

Since this calendar year’s VSV outbreak was detected on April 13, 2020, VSV has been identified on 326 premises in eight states. Equine was the only species affected on 313 of the premises noted (Cattle only were affected on twelve premises and a single location involved equine and cattle). To this date, all Arkansas premises were confirmed with VSV and have only involved horses and donkeys.

There are currently NO QUARANTINED premises in the nation for this ongoing VSV outbreak. No special entry requirements are needed at this time. Please check this site often for any changes in status for the situation.  

ANY EQUINE (horses, mules, donkeys, miniatures, etc.) MOVED FROM A VSV AFFECTED COUNTY (county has any Quarantined Premises) or FROM ANY COUNTY NEXT TO AN AFFECTED COUNTY (also called an Adjacent County) to travel within the borders of Arkansas, attend an event in Arkansas or be relocated to Arkansas must be accompanied:

  1. by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) dated within 5 days of movement from origin premises and issued by
  2. a state licensed and Category 2 - USDA Accredited veterinarian from the state of origin with
  3. the animal’s rectal temperature noted on the CVI and
  4. the EIA/”Coggins” test results noted with laboratory document verification numbers and
  5. An Arkansas Entry Permit Number recorded on the CVI and the added
  6. VSV STATEMENT: “All animals individually identified and noted on this Certificate of Veterinary Inspection have been examined by me and found to be free from signs or lesions of vesicular stomatitis virus infection. The owner of the animals listed has attested to me that these animals have not had direct contact or indirect exposure to any premise quarantined or suspect for presence of vesicular stomatitis within the past 30 days.”

Other information about VSV movement restrictions and other information sources can be found:

A link to the ON-LINE - 24 hour/7 days a week - automated Arkansas Entry Permit Number assignment is in the middle of the above webpage and here: