Plant Industries

Serving the citizens of Arkansas and the agricultural and business communities by providing information and unbiased enforcement of laws and regulations set by the Arkansas State Plant Board

Abandoned Pesticide Program

Upcoming Event Information:

2024-2025 APD County Collection Event Schedule.

Agricultural Pesticide Disposal Program Inventory Form

Inventory Form (Printable)



Pesticide Disposal Informational Flyer

Safely Transport Pesticide Waste Flyer

The Arkansas Agricultural Abandoned Pesticide Program was developed as a way for farmers to safely and properly dispose of old or unwanted pesticides. Since 2005, the Agricultural Abandoned Pesticide Program has overseen the collection of 6.3 million pounds of unwanted pesticides in all counties across Arkansas. Participation in collection events is free and anonymous to farmers and other non-industrial landowners.

The Department cooperates with the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, Arkansas Farm Bureau Natural Resources Division, the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality and Local County government to implement the program.

The Department selects up to ten counties per year with the goal of holding at least one collection event in every county in Arkansas. The department uses priority watersheds and high agricultural use areas as a guiding principle when selecting counties for pesticide collections.  The amount of collections per year is dependent on program funding.   Pesticide collections are paid for by the pesticide manufacturers through a fee added to the registration of each agricultural pesticide registered in Arkansas. There is no cost to the farmer; it is completely anonymous for those who wish to participate.  Participants are highly encouraged to complete an inventory form and submit it to the department prior to the collection to ensure the type of waste and quantity can be accepted.