Plant Industries

Serving the citizens of Arkansas and the agricultural and business communities by providing information and unbiased enforcement of laws and regulations set by the Arkansas State Plant Board

Pest Control Program

The Pest Control Program is responsible for administering the Arkansas Pest Control Law Rules and Regulations (Act 488 of 1975, as amended).  Pest Control work is the management of pests such as treating buildings for termites, roaches, ants or treating lawns and turf for insect and weed pests.  Depending on the type of pest control work being performed various licenses or certifications may be required.

Online Pest Control License/Certificate Renewal

Please use the below link for renewal of ALL Pest Control Licenses and Non-Commercial Certificates. You will receive an INVOICE; that will state any other additional paperwork or fees that will be needed to finish the renewal process. 

All Licenses and Non-Commercial Certificates are digital and will NOT be printed by the Arkansas Department of Agriculture (Department). You will receive all licenses via e-mail in a Protected Document File (PDF). The Department staff will check your official government issued identification for verification of license status. A list of all licensed companies and operators is available for download above.  

For RENEWAL of Pest Control Licenses and Non-Commercial Certificates.

Online Operator and Agent Exam Application

This exam application must be received at least five (5) working days prior to exam date for any onsite testing. The application will not be considered unless the application is filled out in its entirety, including complete mailing addresses. Exam results will not be given until invoice is paid.

Online testing via Everblue is now available. Click here to view the Everblue Arkansas Pest Control Demonstration. Online examinations have an additional proctoring fee of approximately $30.00 per exam that is administered and proctored via Everblue. Once you have submitted your application for online testing, please allow two to three business days to receive payment instructions from Everblue 

Operator Exam Study Material

Agent Testing and Renewal Forms

Commercial & Non-Commercial License and Certificates

Monthly Reports and Exclusion Request

Monthly Reports and Exclusion Requests are strongly encouraged to be processed electronically. Monthly Reports that are submitted online must be received by the 15th of the following month that is being rep orted. An invoice will be sent back with the amount owed. Payment for the invoice is due immediately upon receipt. Monthly Reports may be counted as late if payment is not received by the Monthly Reports Chart for Determining Late Fee (Please refer to the chart below). If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Pest Control Program at 501-225-1598.