Plant Industries
Serving the citizens of Arkansas and the agricultural and business communities by providing information and unbiased enforcement of laws and regulations set by the Arkansas State Plant Board
Agriculture / Plant Industries / Rules
Proposed Rules
Liquid Animal Waste - Proposed Rule | Notice—Comment period extended to September 16, 2024. | Public Comments
Arkansas State Plant Board
Pesticide Rules :
Current Rules
Arkansas Forestry Commission
Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission
- Airborne Eradication (79 KB)
- Brand Registry Law (85.74 KB)
- Brucellosis in Cattle (118.06 KB)
- Concentration Points (31.15 KB)
- Country of Origin (COOL) Law
- Dealer Regulations (11.98 KB)
- Disposal of Large Animal and Poultry Carcasses (121 KB)
- Disposition of Inedible Materials Permit (89.97 KB)
- Egg Marketing Rule (143.6 KB)
- Egg Marketing Act Enforcement Letter (December 16, 2024)
- Egg Regulations (104.37 KB)
- EIA Regulations (17.8 KB)
- Entry Regulations (750.28 KB)
- Equine Infectious Anemia Verifier (88.06 KB)
- Exhibition (451.46 KB)
- Garbage Feeding Rule (Swine) (8.49 KB)
- Horse Chipping (85.43 KB)
- Licensing, Certification and Permitting of Active Duty Service Members, Returning Military Veterans, and Spouses (326.65 KB)
- Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission Rules for the Administration of the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) (35.08 KB)
- Meat Inspection Rule
- Milk Stabilization Rules
- Poultry Disease and Flock Condemnation Rule (184 KB)
- Poultry Feeding Operations Rules (185 KB)
- Quarantine Feedlots (9.53 KB)
- Regulations - Scrapie (26.84 KB)
- Reportable Diseases (24.15 KB)
- Requirements to Sell Country Eggs (73.42 KB)
- Sanitation for Non-Shell Eggs (9.83 KB)
- Special Cattle Sales (15.96 KB)
- Swine Rule (114 KB)
- Trichomoniasis Testing and Movement Requirements for Cattle (131.83 KB)
- Tuberculosis Regulation (24.33 KB)
- Veterinary Medical License and Certificate Renewal (84 KB)
- Veterinary Technician Specialist (86 KB)
- Veterinary Medical License and Certificate Fees (82 KB)
Arkansas Natural Resources Commission
- Conservation Districts Rules (Title 2)
- Rules Implementing Oversight of Retail Water Providers
- The Unpaved Roads Program Rule
- Rules of Organization and Operation (Title 1)
- Rules for the Utilization of Surface Water (Title 3)
- Rules for the Protection and Management of Ground Water (Title 4)
- Rules for Financial Assistance (Title 5)
- Rules for Water Development Project Compliance with the Arkansas Water Plan (Title 6)
- Rules Governing Design and Operation of Dams (Title 7)
- Title 8--repealed in accordance with Act 781 of 2017
- Title 9--repealed in accordance with Act 781 of 2017
- Rules Governing the Arkansas Water Resource Agricultural Cost-Share Program (Title 10)
- Title 11--repealed in accordance with Act 781 of 2017
- Title 12--repealed in accordance with Act 781 of 2017
- Rules Governing the Tax Credit Program for the Creation and Restoration of Private Wetland and Riparian Zones (Title 13)
- Rules Implementing the Water Resources Conservation and Development Incentive Act (Title 14)
- Rules Governing Loans from the Safe Drinking Water Fund (Title 15)
- Rules Governing the Arkansas Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund Program (Title 16)
- Rules Governing Water Authorities (Title 17)
- Rules Governing the Floodplain Administrator Accreditation Program (Title 18)
- Poultry Feeding Operation Registration Program (Title 19)
- Nutrient Management Planner Certification Program (Title 20)
- Nutrient Management Applicator Certification Program (Title 21)
- Nutrient and Poultry Litter Application and Management Program (Title 22 )
- Rules Governing Water and Wastewater Project Funding through the Arkansas Community and Economic Development Program (Title 23)
- The Arkansas Water Plan (Title 24)
- Water Well Construction Rules
Arkansas State Plant Board
- Rules for Reciprocal, Temporary, and Provisional Licensure (219 KB)
- Criminal Background Check rule (125 KB)
- Arkansas Rules on Pesticide Use (255 KB)
- Arkansas Pesticide Control Act, Ark. Code Ann. § 2-16-401 et seq (188 KB)
- Rules under the Arkansas Pesticide Control Act (155 KB)
- Pesticide Use and Application Law and Rules (683.36 KB)
- Pesticide Enforcement Response Rules (Red Book) (712.31 KB)
Regulatory Services
- Circular 21 - Aquaculture Rules (228.74 KB)
- Circular 5 - Apiary Law & Rules (209.7 KB)
- Circular 6 - Pest Control Law & Rules Rev. Aug 2, 2019 (1.3 MB)
- Arkansas Laws on Plants and Seeds (207.03 KB)
- Circular 11 - Plant Diseases and Pests Rules (2.63 MB)
- Ginseng Rules (82.46 KB)
- Arkansas Boll Weevil Suppression Eradication Act (131.31 KB)
- Boll Weevil Regulations (178.12 KB)
- Commercial Bait and Ornamental Fish Act (49.93 KB)
- Licensing, Certification & Permitting of Military, Veterans, & Spouses (55.18 KB)
- Pink Bollworm Regulations (47.79 KB)
- Produce Safety Rule (106 KB)
- Produce Safety Enforcement Response Rules (339 KB)
Quality Control and Compliance - Feed, Fertilizer, Hemp, Seed
- Circular 15 - Seed Certification Rules (1.66 MB)
- Industrial Hemp Research Program (331 KB)
- Circular 10 – Regulations on the Sale of Planting Seed in Arkansas (67.96 KB)
- 100% Natural Organic Fertilization Law (16.72 KB)
- Agricultural Consultant Law and Rules (93.84 KB)
- Circular 4 - Public Grain Warehouse Laws & Rules (305.09 KB)
- Soil Amendment Law and Rules (508.24 KB)
- Feed Law and Regulations (859.28 KB)
- Fertilizer Law and Regulations (939.38 KB)
- Grain Dealer Laws and Rules (475.7 KB)
- Lime Law (10.71 KB)
- Grain Grading Act and Rules (764.95 KB)
Bureau of Standards